Virtual Assistant - To Done (NZ)
I have been working as a Virtual Assistant for various business owners seeking support.
By outsouring tasks for me - they have been able to save time on tasks that exceed their day-to-day business duties.
Services I offer include Web Design, Blogging, Social Media Management, Content Writing and Creation, Email Marketing and setting up automations to save time while actively engaging with customers and leads.
Marketing & Recruitment Consultant - Porse Inhome Childcare
My role covered the Wellington Region, I supported the Wairarapa, Wellington, Hutt Valley, Porirua and Kapiti areas. With a variety of roles, one of which I’d consider to being a master playdough maker, My duties include:-
• Create and manage our Instagram page for the wellington region to extend reach via Social Media.
• Recruiting Home Educators and Nannies
• Managing family and educator prospect enquiries
• Matching families with nannies and home educators based on their care needs and aspirations
• Attending events within the community i.e. buggy walks, baby and career expos
• Liaising with local parent and birthing units, local groups, businesses and organisations to support and participate in events
• B2B – Developing and maintaining Employer Partnerships
• Promoting Porse in-home childcare services such as childcare, playgroups and ongoing training and development
• All Marketing and Advertising support for the region
• Supporting creative solutions for local growth and retention - both educators and families
• Home licensing requirement checks
• Tracking reports - promotional budgets, target tracking.
• Business Support – helping new educators and Nannies understand how to set their rates, conditions of service, marketing/advertising, business starter tool kits, introducing them to current team and support to enrol with ECE related training.
Recruitment Coordinator - Fulton Hogan
My recruitment for the Wellington Region Covered Wellington up to Wanganui, Masterton and the Chatham Island.
Prior to my beginning this role – there was no Recruitment Coordinator in Wellington. My duties were shared between HR and Recruitment Coordinators based in Auckland. With me coming on board it meant management had someone on site to provide recruitment support and relieving HR of some duties.
Key responsibilities:
• Liaising with Department and Divisional managers regarding upcoming vacancies (reason for position becoming available, skills/expereince/qualifcations required)
• Advertising roles for recruitment (Listing on sources such as FH website, TradeMe, Seek, LinkedIn, internal website and Indeed).
• Managing Talent pools & Vacancy recruitment – screening candidates and shortlisting for management, arranging interviews, and sending correspondence to applicants regarding their application outcome.
• Completing referrence and background (MOJ and ACC) checks
• Providing application and interview feedback via phone and email
• Providing HR with onboarding support - creating candidate ID, and updating employee records.
• Networking and Liaising with external agencies – building relationships with recruitment consultants, promoting vacancies and accepting referrals, providing induction/onboarding documents and resources.
• Screening applications and Expressions of interest that come in via email, reception, colleague/staff referrals.
• Creating position descriptions for new roles, due to new structural changes within alliance contract with Wellington Water.
Key programmes/systems used within this role:
• Salesforce – PDP (Manage employee records and submit timesheets)
• PageUp – managing Recruitment applications, talent pools and adverts and post to external sources i.e. seek, our website and broadbean sources – Trade Me)
• CV Check – used to complete ACC and MoJ checks.
Service Designer - Ministry of Social Development
In this role, worked on the Mana in Mahi programme - designed for Employers to hire youth aged 18-24years old, and commit to supporting youth through Industry Training and Qualifications to reduce Industry Skill Shortages.
Key responsibilities:
• Creating and reviewing content prior to publishing on MSD internal website(i.e. process guides, tools, resources and supports for staff, employers and clients).
• Supporting Service Designers with internal website structure/format.
• Updating tools and resources for staff, based on their feedback.
• Promoting Mana in Mahi to Staff and Employers/Businesses.
• Answering FAQs (frequently asked questions), from all staff nationwide, regarding the intent and processes of Mana in Mahi
Recruitment Consultant - Ministry of Social Development
Key responsibilities:
• Staff Coaching/Leadership –Providing feedback, support and training to Wellington region staff regarding support to offer clients (customers) around recruitment, career planning pathways, local labour market information, industry skill shortages, in a fun newsletter/quizstyled format – ensuring staff resource and self source the information to retain information. All while promoting success within our region and communitys.
• Account Management – Building and maintaining relationships with local employers, while managing new and repeat business at once.
• Supporting Industry Growth - discussing identified industry skill shortages and employment opportunities - creating plans, projects and processes to upskill people in these areas and moving people into suitable roles.
• Vacancy management – creating and listing job adverts available with local employers, and managing the recruitment process - screening expressions of interest in roles, shortlisting candidates and arrange interviews on employers behalf.
• Negotiating Wage Subsidies
• Regional Weekly Reporting regarding engagements with colleagues, clients, employers and training providers - information regarding employment placements, local labour market opportunities and changes (i.e.redundancies, closures, staff reductions, changes to management).
• Building and maintaining relationships with community support organisations, contracted training providers and government bodies – collaborating client information and planning steps to help clients move towards independence:- understanding and assisting with barriers, identifying risks and opportunity for individual/family assistance.
• Client Coaching –Providing feedback to job seekers about their application, application and interview outcomes, and looking at ways to use constructive feedback for future applications. Discussing career pathways, providing CV assistance, and promoting training services available within the region.
Case Management
Key responsibilities:
• Facilitating seminars: One-on-one and one-to-many.
• Processing claims for Main Benefits, Supplementary Assistance and Third tier assistance.
• Answering general enquiries regarding financial assistance, products and services.
• Liaising with local employers and contracted providers (local and national) regarding vacancies and client information.
• Vacancy Management
• Referrals to employment and training opportunities.
• Daily forecasting and reporting for National Targets set for Key Performance Results.
• Building new and continuous relationships with community organizations and government bodies – to collaborate client information and plan steps to help clients move towards independence: - understanding and assisting with barriers, identifying risks and opportunity for individual/family assistance.
• Knowledge and understanding of Core policies and legislation – and the ability to applies these to everyday interactions and decisions.
Key programmes/systems used within this role:
• SCMS – Single client management system (Holds ALL information regarding clients, employers, suppliers and contracted service providers)
• SWIFTT – programme where financial details are entered, in order to assess clients ongoing financial support i.e. Accommodation Costs, Health costs, children in case and childcare costs.
• MAP/Doogle – internal website used for all information regarding legislation and policies for MSD.