Transcription Services
Accurate, speedy transcription services for all your requirements.
Professional transcriptionist for over 10 years, I pride myself on the highest quality outcomes for customers. This is a digital service and we have secure processes to ensure transfers maintain data privacy and confidentiality.
I charge $55 per hour of my time for basic transcription services. Transcription time is generally between 3 to 4 times audio length (so 1 hour of audio is between 3-4 hours of transcription time).
Specialist areas:
- Medical
- Legal and tax
- Conferences
- Webinars
- Multiple speakers
- Foreign accents
- Technical project documentation
Charges include 2 x proof reading.
The benefits of using a human transcriber over an AI provider is the level of accuracy you achieve. Make your life easy and don’t spend hours deciphering and editing the documents you get back from AI transcription.
Happy to discuss one off or larger ongoing transcription projects with great rates and accuracy.